Text Features & Comprehension
When K-5 students understand how to read text features like bullets, insets, and bold print, they are reading the whole page — essential for deep comprehension of nonfiction and fiction text. In the revised edition of Teaching Text Features to Support Comprehension, seasoned educators Michelle Kelley and Nicki Clausen-Grace show teachers how to explicitly instruct K-5 students to read text features, use them to navigate text, and include them in their own writing.
Sixty mini-lessons for teaching print, graphic, and organizational features provide ample choices for meeting the standards while adapting to students’ needs. The lessons, which follow the gradual release of responsibility model and increase in difficulty, can be used within the typical 90-minute reading block, during content area instruction, in small groups, and as part of independent practice opportunities. Each lesson offers concept review, suggestions for differentiation, assessment options, and technology connections, requiring students to find, explore, manipulate, and create text features in their own writing.
The book features important resources and convenient lesson supports including:
- Thinksheets
- Visual examples of each text feature
- Rubrics
- Assessment picture book
- Downloadable Readers’ Theatre scripts
For Your Reference
- How to Use the Online Files and List of Online Resources
- I Want a Dog! eBook for displaying
- I Want a Dog! eBook for printing
(Printing Tip: To print the book, set your printer for duplex (two-sided) printing with top binding.)
Definition: The name of a text located on the front cover or at the beginning of a chapter
How it helps: Indicates the topic and/or main idea of the entire text
Definition: A secondary heading that divides a section of text; sometimes differentiated from a title by font color
How it helps: Indicates the main idea of a section of text
Definition: Words written in a dark and thick print within the main body of text; often, these words are also defined in the glossary
How it helps: Signals important vocabulary and/or a phrase that is integral to understanding the content of the text
Definition: Font slanted to the right within the main body of text
How it helps: Indicates proper nouns and important vocabulary or that the reader should emphasize this word when reading
Definition: Text located near a graphic feature (such as a picture, map, diagram, etc.) that explains what it is
How it helps: Explains the graphic feature it is nearest to
Definition: Text located near a graphic feature (such as a picture, map, diagram, etc.) that explains what it is
How it helps: Explains the graphic feature it is nearest to
Definition: Listed text that is indented and aligned using a dot, symbol, or dash in front of each idea
How it helps: Summarizes or lists information in a text
Definition: Additional text (not the main body of text) within a box, often with a shaded background; located at the sides, top, or bottom of a page
How it helps: Provides additional details, facts, or information related to the text
Definition: Picture taken by a camera; captions explain what is shown in photos
How it helps: Helps the reader visualize real events, steps, or objects described in the text
Definition: A hand-created sketch; captions explain what is in the drawing
How it helps: Helps the reader visualize and better understand something from the text
Definition: A small photo, picture, or map inside or next to a larger picture; insets magnify a part of the larger picture
How it helps: Helps the reader visualize something in the text in both large and small scale, in combination with the larger picture
Definition: A picture of a person, place, or thing that has been cut completely in half, with the open half facing forward so the entire inside is revealed
How it helps: Allows the reader to visualize all the layers of a person, place, or thing in the text
Definition: A picture of an object with part of the side dissolved, partially revealing the inside
How it helps: Allows the reader to visualize both the interior and exterior of a person, place, or thing in the text
Definition: A series of pictures with captions showing steps, stages, or the progression of events
How it helps: Explains steps in a process or how something is made
Definition: A picture with labels on lines pointing to various parts
How it helps: Shows the different components of something in the text
Definition: A picture with labels on lines pointing to various parts
How it helps: Shows the different components of something in the text
Definition: Data in diagram form, such as a bar graph, line graph, or pie graph
How it helps: Condenses data and/or displays numeric information important to the text; can be used to compare amounts or show changes over time
Definition: Large amounts of information or data organized and condensed into columns and rows with headings
How it helps: Allows the reader to easily read and compare data related to the text
Definition: Events listed in linear format in the order that they occur
How it helps: Allows the reader to understand when events in the main body of text occurred relative to other events
Definition: Located at the beginning of the text and lists key topics in the book with the page number in the order they are presented
How it helps: Helps the reader quickly find the topic he/she is seeking
Definition: Located at the back of the book; specific topics, events, names, and terms listed in alphabetical order with page numbers; more specific than the table of contents
How it helps: Helps the reader quickly find where the specific information he/she is seeking is located
Definition: Located at the back of the book, an alphabetical listing of text-important words with definitions and sometimes a pronunciation guide; usually, the words in the glossary are bolded in the main body of the text
How it helps: Helps readers understand new or text-critical words; definitions can be easily found
Grade 1
Table 1.2: Text Feature Definitions and Examples
Grade 2
- Thinksheet 2.1: Give Your Book a Title
- Thinksheet 2.2: Chapter Title Sort Cards
- Thinksheet 2.3: Create a Cover
- Thinksheet 2.4: Help! Animals Need to Be Rescued Article
- Thinksheet 2.5: Bold and Italic Word Detective
- Thinksheet 2.6: Caption Match Sorting Cards
- Features Activity 7: Flamingo Feather Image
- Thinksheet 2.7: Where Does It Fit?
- Thinksheet 2.8: Write a Caption
- Thinksheet 2.9: Text Bullets
- Thinksheet 2.10: Reading Bullets
- Thinksheet 2.11: All About Me in Bullets
- Thinksheet 2.12: Using Bullets to Summarize
- Thinksheet 2.13: Which Sidebar Fits?
- Pets
- Readers’ Theatre Script: What Are Print Features?
Grade 3
- Thinksheet 3.1: Which Picture?
- Thinksheet 3.2: Set in What?
- Thinksheet 3.3: Inset Hunt
- Thinksheet 3.4: Cross-Section Hunt
- Graphic Features Activity 13: How to Read a Diagram
- Thinksheet 3.5: Explain It! Creating a Diagram
- Thinksheet 3.6: Diagram Rubric
- Graphic Features Activity 17: What is a Map? Sentence Frame
- Thinksheet 3.7: Parts of a Map — “What Am I?”
- Thinksheet 3.8: Creating a Map
- Thinksheet 3.9: Map Rubric
- Thinksheet 3.10: Three Little Pigs — Timeline
- Thinksheet 3.11: The History of Candy in America — Timeline
- Thinksheet 3.12: Timeline Organizer
- Thinksheet 3.13: Timeline Rubric
- Thinksheet 3.14: “What am I?” — The Anatomy of a Graph
- Thinksheet 3.15: Reading and Answering Questions About a Graph
- Thinksheet 3.16: Creating a Favorites Graph
- Thinksheet 3.17: What’s Your Favorite ______?
- Thinksheet 3.18: Graph Rubric
- Thinksheet 3.19: African Animal Fun Facts
- Thinksheet 3.20: Reading a Table
- Thinksheet 3.21: Creating a Table
- Thinksheet 3.22: Table Rubric
- Readers’ Theatre Script: What Are Graphic Features?
Grade 4
- Thinksheet 4.1: Write a Table of Contents
- Thinksheet 4.2: Alphabetical Index Sorting Cards
- Thinksheet 4.3: Create an Index
- Thinksheet 4.4: What is a Glossary?
- Readers’ Theatre Script: What are Organizational Features?
Grade 5
- Thinksheet 5.1: Examples of Text Features Cards
- Thinksheet 5.2: Names (Labels) of Text Features
- Thinksheet 5.3: Text Feature Definitions
- Thinksheet 5.4: Text Feature T-chart
- Thinksheet 5.5: Print Feature Scavenger Hunt
- Thinksheet 5.6: Graphic Feature Scavenger Hunt
- Thinksheet 5.7: Organizational Feature Scavenger Hunt
- Thinksheet 5.8: Blank Scavenger Hunt